I’ve never really liked fish, for me it always tasted too much like fish. But I’ve been experimenting a little lately, trying to broaden my horizons, and I’m gradually coming to learn that with a delicate touch it really can be a truly sensuous thing. So with my imagination pescatorially awakened I find myself mindlessly ricocheting around the aisles of Waitrose this afternoon in search of some kind of yet-to-be-discovered, perfect for Facebook, fish-based inspiration.
By the grace of the Fish Gods I was spiritually and lovingly guided towards the finned and gilled counter. However, with the shadows now being so long, the day’s offerings had been thoroughly and efficiently pillaged in the build-up to my arrival. As such, I was faced with the curiously meagre choice of a curled-up Skate wing, 48 exquisitly geometric fishcakes on a ‘Buy One Get Eight For Free’ offer that nobody else wanted, a spotty shoelace staring teenager in an apron with a vague interest in fish, and a milky-white piece of Monkfish that appeared purposefully disguised under some plastic point-of-sale seaweed, looking suspiciously as if the barely post-pubescent, Instagramly-aproned fish-teen fancied for himself that night.
So I bought it, and he snarled at me with a stunningly corporate Waitrose smile and beautiful teeth.

Get the rice on in some salted water. That stuff takes forever to cook so in the meantime pour some wine and post something on Facebook. Once you’ve got a few likes melt down a big lump of butter in a pan with some fresh chilli and anything else you think may go well with fish. When the rice is close to done carefully introduce the Monkfish to the chaos that’s occuring in the pan and sear on both sides. Add a big splash of Prosecco and leave to simmer for a few minutes. Meanwhile, break open a Pomegranate and add the fruit to the strained rice. Once the fish is tender remove from the pan and turn the heat up to reduce the sauce.
Plate up, open a few bottles of wine and have a wonderful evening packed full of hedonistic post-fish tendencies.
Buon appetito e salute.
Monkfish Ingredients…
- Fish – Mostly Monk
- Salted Butter – Brittany is beautiful.
- Black Rice Matters
- Pomegranate,,, uhhh, don’t know.
- Prosecco – Life is nothing without Prosecco.
- Spices and stuff – Parsley, Chilli and Pepper, that kind of thing…
- A few bottles of wine
I like fish now.
Other Scribblings
Pappardelle with Spinach in a Grana Cream Sauce
Plate up, open some wine, think about someone…