Well here’s something a little different for you to try,,, an Italian style Ramen soup!

I love Asian food. And although the dishes are completely different to Italian, there’s a similar respect for the ingredients and the way we bring all the elements of a great plate of food together. Ramen is a big favourite of mine, so I thought I’d have a go at doing an Italian version of one – so here’s an Italian style Ramen recipe for you.
Make up a broth by warming some sweet and hot Pimenton in a splash of oil, add half a tin of crushed San Marzano DOP tomatoes and cook the tomatoes for 5 mins or so. Then in with about a pint of stock – I just used one each veggie and chicken cubes – some dried herbs and seasoning to taste. Simmer for 20 mins or so, scooping any surface bits off as you go to keep it as clear as possible.

While that’s simmering away and improving with time, quarter some mushrooms and gently fry them in lots of chillied butter. When they’re done remove from the pan, set aside and add chopped chives, then sweat down some spinach in the same pan juices – set aside once cooked. Get some Taglierini going in a pan of salted water (they’re perfect as they’re quite similar to Ramen noodles), they only take a few minutes to cook, so timing is important. Add a tin of Black Chickpeas to the soup broth.
When it’s all ready, plate up and add a couple peppered egg yolks that you fry in the same pan as you did the mushrooms and spinach. Pretty it up with some pretty stuff and enjoy!