This Hemp Tagliatelle with Porcini and Wild Forest Mushrooms cooked in an Nduja butter is absolutely delicious, well worth the effort of seeking out the ingredients. For the Hemp Tagliatelle recipe and method please see my separate article about Hemp Pasta.
So, on to the sauce.
Into a cold pan add a glug of olive oil, a large lump of butter and a big scoop of nduja. Slowly bring it up to temp while dissolving the rich nduja into the fats. Then simply add the chopped mushrooms, and while they’re cooking down get the pasta on, it only takes a few minutes.
Once the tagliatelle is cooked, pull it from the water and add it straight into the buttery mushrooms, mix well and plate up. Finish your Hemp Tagliatelle with some parsley, dried rose petals, hemp seeds and a drizzle of hemp oil.
Constituent Parts…
- Hemp Tagliatelle
- Large handful of Wild and Porcini Mushrooms
- Butter
- Olive Oil
- Hemp Oil
- Nduja
- Parsley and Seeds and things
Buon Apetito.

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