Had some sweet peppers getting a bit wrinkly in my fruit bowl – if you know what I mean!?

For these delicious Stuffed Bell Peppers simply get a risotto going by sweating down a chopped white onion in butter and olive oil until translucent, then add 1 small cup per person of your preferred risotto rice – I used Vialone Nano. Once it’s warmed through and started absorbing the butter and oil pour in a glass of white wine and allow the rice to soak it up. Then add a small ladle of stock (I just made one up with a mix of chicken and veggie stock cubes) again until the rice has absorbed it. Keep repeating until the rice is al-dente and at the consistency you like. The critical thing is not add too much stock each time, keep it ‘thirsty’ and tease the starch from it. When it’s done, set it aside for a minute or two and leave it to rest, don’t touch it! Then gently beat in a knob of good butter and some Parmigiano to create that lovely creamy silkiness.

Fill the peppers with the risotto, top with mozzarella and bake in a hot oven for about 15-20 mins. I made a simple San Marzano sauce to serve it with – simmer down the tomatoes in a glug of good olive oil with some fresh basil and seasoning.

Stuff you’ll need to stuff stuff with…

  • 1 small cup risotto rice per person
  • Peppers to match
  • A big pan of stock
  • Couple of Mozzarella balls
  • A white onion
  • Glass of white wine
  • Butter
  • Parmigiano Reggiano

Buon Apetito!

Peperoni Ripieni - Risotto Stuffed Peppers
Peperoni Ripieni - Baked Stuffed Pepprs
Peperoni Ripieni - Stuffed Bell Peppers